Thursday, October 6, 2011


Stroke including serebrovaskuler disease (blood vessels of the brain) due to death of brain tissue (cerebral infarction) that occurred because of reduced blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Lack of blood flow and oxygen is due to the occurrence of blockage, constriction, or breakage of blood vessels. WHO explains that the symptoms of stroke is reduced nervous system function caused by brain vascular disease and not others. 

Stroke was divided into two types: ischemic stroke and stroke hemorragik. Ischemic stroke is a blockage of blood vessels that cause blood flow to the partial or whole brain ceases. 80% of strokes are ischemic strokes. Ischemic stroke is divided into three types, namely:

Thrombotic stroke: thrombus formation process of making the agglomeration.
Embolik stroke: closure of arteries by blood clots.
Systemic Hipoperfusion: Shrinking of blood flow to all parts of the body because of heart disorders.
Hemoragik stroke Stroke is caused by the breakage of blood vessels of the brain. Nearly 70% kess hemoragik stroke occurred in patients with hypertension or stress. Stroke hemoragik are two types, namely:

Hemoragik Intraserebral: bleeding that occurs in brain tissue.
Subarachnoid Hemoragik: bleeding that occurs in the subarachnoid space (a narrow gap between the surface of the brain and the network layer that covers the brain). 

Factors Causing Stroke Hypertension (high blood pressure), Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), heart disorders, diabetes, stroke disease in the family heritage and Migraine. unhealthy lifestyle is also a passenger on the other stroke-Smoking (active & passive), the unhealthy foods (junk food, fast food), Alcohol, less athletic, snoring, oral Contraceptives, Taking Dangerous Drugs and Obesity.

How Melilea Greenfield Organic Prevent Stroke Symptoms
Melilea Greenfield Organic contains vegetables which is able to overcome this narrowing of blood vessels. 

Vegetables that work is celery, spinach, oats and cranberries. 

Celery leaves or parsley is a kind of soft-stem vegetables are rich in iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, carotene, vitamins A, B-complex and C and magnesium. The leaves are known as Apium graveolens and came from a family of umbelliferae Dulce.
Celery is the remedy for lowering high blood pressure. [1] There are many ways to use celery as a medicine to treat high blood pressure and most effective way is by putting a bit of cut celery into small and finely ground with little water and sugar. For better effectiveness it should be drunk three times a day. Also, celery is also able to treat poisoning caused by bacterial infection. Among these are stepped on rusty nails, infection in the wound or in the urinary tract and cause severe burns cases blood keracuanan septicemia.Kandungan known as sepsis or celery restore minerals in alkaline nature of the blood and help stop the breeding of germs. [2] Reference

↑ A Health Benefits of Celery is it `s Ability to lower blood pressure.
↑ Celery Seed Extract 


  Spinach is a vegetable plant in the class. It was a lot of crops sold on the market. There is also a kind of spinach, green and red spinach. Spinach is from the gene leaves of Amaranthus and a vegetable. It is a kind of green vegetables rich in vitamins A, C and E and iron, such as phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, manganese and zinc magnasium. 

Spinach is believed to provide nourishment to the child, nursing mothers and patients suffering from high fever, anemia, bleeding and those with kidney problems. Spinach boiled and drunk old man who can improve the quality of vision and strengthen liver function. Spinach is rich in minerals such as calcium, iron & potassium. Spinach is also quite rich in Vitamin C & Beta Carotene. 


Oats (Avena sativa) is a species of grains, and seeds of this plant. It is used for human consumption, as well as fodder for animals, especially poultry and horses. Oat straw is used as animal bedding and sometimes as animal feed.
Oat bran is a carry oat cereal. Consumption is believed to reduce LDL cholesterol ("bad"), and reduce the risk of heart disease. 

Results by Food and Drug Administration in January 1997 that most (oat bran) or (rolled oats) can put a label claiming it may reduce the risk of heart disease, when combined with low-fat diet. 


Cranberries are rich in vitamin C and fiber. It is rich in antioxidants and can improve the immune system. Vitamin C in cranberries could prevent infection in the bladder channel, remove toxins in the bloodstream, preventing ulcers, heart disease, prevent cancer cell growth and reduce brain cell damage that can lead to stroke. 

How to Prevent Stroke disease With Melilea
Practise taking Melilea Greenfield Organic (MGO) at every meal. If obesity, replace meals with MGO. MGO mix with 1 scoop of soy organic and a scoop or two of organic apple Melilea.
Should have had a stroke, practice MGO with organic soy foods per day embroidered with daily meal. Maintain a weekly day of fasting therapy.

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