Friday, October 7, 2011

High Blood Presure

The heart works as a pumping device in which it is contracted and at rest. This activity produces the pressure that carry blood throughout the body. Blood pressure is different for each individual and the reading is different.

It is important to measure your blood pressure regularly to determine whether you have high blood pressure or not. 90% of all cases Hypertension / High Blood Pressure has no symptoms, while 10% are showing symptoms.

People with Hypertension / High Blood Pressure at high risk for heart disease. Controlled blood pressure can reduce the return patients to the outpatient clinic, hospital admissions and deaths from stroke (stroke) and heart disease.

What is the effect of hypertension / high blood pressure? 

Among the effects of Hypertension / High Blood Pressure is:
• Feeling unwell that affect physical and mental affects your family and your work. 
• Difficulty in having a new insurance policy and you will be charged higher premiums

What causes Hypertension / High Blood Pressure?

 90% of the actual causes of Hypertension / High Blood Pressure is not known, while 10% is due to secondary causes of certain diseases.
 • Because of an unknown (90%)
 • For secondary (10%) 
1. Kidney disease 
2. Endocrine system diseases
 3. Vascular disease

Is Hypertension / High Blood Pressure inherited from family members?

 If both your parents are suffering from Hypertension / High Blood Pressure, 50% chance their children will inherit the disease Hypertension / High Blood Pressure. If one of them suffering from high blood pressure, then the children may get it.

Risk Factors Hypertension / High Blood Pressure 

Hypertension risk factors that cause / High Blood Pressure is:
 • Inactive lifestyle
 • Age above 35 years
 • Smoking• Obesity• High cholesterol level 
• Family history• Excess alcohol intake• high salt intake

How Melilea Greenfield Organic High Blood Troubleshooting The Decease?

Melilea Greenfield Organic contains 26 types of vegetables, grains and minerals that can overcome the problems of high blood pressure. Content of 26 types of vegetables that can expand the blood vessels and lowering blood cholesterol levels. Vitamin D in the lemon is very helpful for blood circulation and prevent bleeding.

Practise taking Melilea Greenfield Organic (MGO) per day with daily food substitute. Perform therapeutic fasting for one or two days at the beginning and the next three to four days if was normal practice.

How to serving, mix 1 scoop of MGO, an organic soy and 1 scook of organic apple per serving. Replace three meals a day such as breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea or dinner. You will be able to see the effects within 5-6 days. Blood pressure to normal, proper waste disposal and health will be better.

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